Advertise With Us
In addition to our Standard Product Listings, ProGear4U offers a simple, no nonsense approach for all of its advertising partners. Quite simply, we put your message or product in front of a huge audience of serious musicians and leave it there. Visibility is everything. Most sites rotate a large numbers of banner ads that show one day and not the next. We limit our ads so that the odds of your paid advertisement being seen are never less than 50% of the time on a specific page. Our ads are also broken down by specific page placement so that you can determine exactly where you want your ad to appear. Regardless of your budget, we have a cost effective, result driven solution that will work for you.
Banner Ad Options
You select the page(s) that you want your ad to display on. |
You select the page(s) that you want your ad to display on. |
Another great resource we can offer to our advertising partners is a free product giveaway sweepstakes. This is a great way to sign up potential customers and get the word out about your company and featured product. For details please go to SWEEPSTAKES.
Who are our visitors – ProGear4U brings together an incredible community of musicians, technical individuals that provide musical instrument services, and musical instrument product manufacturers. It’s a valuable resource for musicians regardless of their experience levels so it is visited often.
If you would like to discuss our advertising opportunity in more detail, please feel free to CONTACT US. You can also call us at 949-859-7293. |